Stock lists of centre fire weapons I’ve not had time to add to website yet.

A/175.308 WinTikkaBolt ActionM590Tikka made rifle in very good condition complete with Bushnell 3-9 x 40 scope 550
A/177.243 WinMauserBolt ActionModel 66Classic Mauser telescopic action rifle in very good condition.525
A/546mmParker HaleBolt Action1100Fine Mauser495
A/1126mm MusgraveBSA/MusgraveBolt action rifle S/HSpringbokSouth African SMLE action plains rifle conversion by Musgrave445
A/200308 WinFultonsBolt action rifle S/HTargetNo4 target rifle conversion by Fultons of Bisley485
A/262308 WinWinchesterBolt action rifle S/HP14 target conversionP14 action target rifle with Brindles stock. Ex club gun with visible signs of us which is reflected in the price150
A/320.308 WinParker HaleBolt action rifle S/HTargetParker Hale Mauser actioned target rifle conversion with scope blocks200